Wednesday, January 27, 2010


… goes the sound of life in fast forward. How odd to be living a purposefully calm, cucumber-cool stretch of time only to be astounded we’re here already. The baby is two and a half months old. Thanksgiving happened. Christmas, New Year, I’ve already planned an 8th birthday party, and we are sleeping through the night!

Thanksgiving was somewhat of a nonevent. The boys did all the cooking – and what a treat! So, that was an event, but not in the traditional big deal sense. Our Christmas celebration at my mom’s – the one I made the cheesecake for – was a little on the frazzling side… nothing to burst into tears over, but I was ready to leave by 8pm on the DOT… and started counting down exactly twenty minutes prior like I was trying to disarm a bomb. So, had we stayed any later, I might have cried. Not really.

But, something about having a new baby reveals just how much NOISE there is around. The grandkids were psyched about new toys, of course. So, it required a new level of volume to hold a conversation above the hype. And somehow, there’s an urgency to want to hush everything even when the baby sleeps through it all or is awake during normal waking hours. Or maybe I’m just a Sleep Nazi. Either way, now that Brent blinks too loud, he sleeps out in his car. Kidding. Really, we had a great time, not too overwhelming, and simply ready to return to normal decibels.

As we enter in to February, we have birthdays and Valentine’s to think about [even though I really could not care less about Valentine’s with a child who was born the very day after, Brent’s birthday every four years, a wedding anniversary only a month later, and a blah opinion of the cut flower industry and the pricing of flowers that only sit and die] Valentine’s usually passes with a card and conversation hearts… maybe a high-five if I’m in a good mood.

Other than that, spring sports are on the way. Spring itself is on the way! I couldn’t be more excited when our forecast for the week includes 4-10 inches of MORE snow. And in other not-so-fun news, we’ve seen an ENT about the frequency of tonsillitis with our oldest – who recommends removing tonsils and adenoids. So, we have that to look forward to – and by "look forward to" I mean DREAD. But once we’re over that hurdle, the payoff should far outweigh the sacrifice of nasty throat tissues. So, I’ll be glad about it.

And that pretty much sums it up in rather boring email form. I’ll get back to my rich hilarity soon. Oh, and a master bedroom project. Spackle and Paint and Pictures… Oh my!

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