Today I went to my monthly OB. I’ve gained 8 lbs since last time, folks. Yeah. Let’s just call it 4. It sounds better. And really, I’d lost 4 the previous month, so I’m only playing catch-up, right? RIGHT!?
Say it!
Anyway, I’m not honestly doing anything differently. I’m not just here all by myself all day, boys in school, eating because I’m bored. I’m without the boys all day. But I’m not usually home and I’m not bored. So, I’m not eating because of that. I’m eating because I’M HUNGRY. I had just eaten a larger breakfast than I normally do and I didn’t tinkle before stepping on the stupid, out-in-the-middle-of-the-road scale. All of that will rack up those extra four easy – especially having a scale out in the wide world. Dead serious.
But let’s move on, shall we? Let’s talk about how we got ourselves here in the first place. Not the actual way we got ourselves here, people. I’m going to assume you’ve had that education. But somewhere in the summer of 2007, I knew I had a baby fever that needed more cowbell [click the red link - then back button after]. So, but something about our time spent together that summer was all cozy and great and beckoned my empty womb to start tapping on my shoulder. And the insane idea we’d probably, eventually have just one more would creep in every once in a while.
But then, time passing happened. Both boys in school full-day was steadily on the horizon. There’d be such a gap between siblings. A larger family costs more. I had a bit of a wiggy-outish stretch of time, realizing I was turning in to an actual adult that had actual desires to do more actual things with my actual self. I decided I’d go back to school. I decided to get my crap together. Routine. That’s the name of my game. I had my path all set out. I’m a planner. I like to know what I’m getting for Christmas. I know Christmas is coming. I know you’re going to get me something. Just tell me what so I can sleep, OKAY!? And no… this is not about control. It’s about power and communism.
So, last fall I enrolled in something like six hours. I didn’t want to just flatten myself. I wanted to get my toes wet. It was a great experience. It wasn’t that big of a deal to find the admissions office or schedule an appointment with an academic advisor. I wasn’t the oldest one in class. And I did really well. So, my plan was to get the ball rolling with full-time day-time class-time this fall. But [long pause] my niece had since come into the world. And holy bat-balls, people. I’ve had other experiences with babies born that I know and love dearly. This wasn’t out of the norm. But, if you can ever fall in love with a child that isn’t your own like I fell flat on my face for this girl… Oh. My. Boiling. Baby. Fever. And it was all a big – well… her fault.
We have somewhere around twelve more weeks. It’s a girl. And it typically takes putting a face with a name to be this deeply in love with someone I’ve never met… but let me just say: I have not come down.
1 comment:
Lillian! Roooobeee!
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